When people ask me what my parents-in-law-to-be do for a living, I usually just say that they “Build Pools”. In terms of understatement, that description almost borders on insulting. Their company Natare (@NatareCorp) just finished creating the most impressive pool I’ve ever seen. This pool is three times the size of an Olympic pool, 55 stories high, and spans three towers. The engineering complexity of such a project is staggering; the pool joints have to handle stretching, compression, and torsion and the pool itself is designed to prevents waves forming – something that could be catastrophic in a pool like this.
The bigger story is in the company itself – 35 years ago it was a small company selling pool supplies! Through their ambition and focus they’ve grown to become the world’s premier supplier of aquatic facilities, water features, and movable bulkheads – having invented most of the techniques and systems themselves along the way. They’re the two hardest working people I’ve ever met, and lovely to boot. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves:

Natare's Infinity Pool on top of the Marina Bay Sands, Singapore - Nice View!

No, I can't get you a room

The Marina Bay Sands Hotel, Singapore